Friday, October 2, 2009

Old blog post draft: publish for posterity! For growth and understanding!

Today is Friday, and I am recovering from a particularly horrid Thursday in which the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology decided they wanted to give me and my fellow students two exams on the same day. The first: a 9AM written exam on the theory and techniques of mutation rates and bacterial mutation isolation. The second: 2:30PM written exam in physical chemistry (albeit, the "easy" life sciences physical chemistry...if you are one who likes to claim this distinction you can go f...nevermind). This is my fourth year, I can't pretend this hasn't happened before. This is not a new problem. I am whining. The point is I ended up in a trusted professor's office, crying my eyes out, having a little bit of a breakdown. Which is okay, that hasn't happened in a while.

I can't help thinking, these are the good years right? I should be enjoying this torture. Wednesday night, around 3 AM when I had just left a study session of about 8 students, I zipped my jacket against the newly crisp October air and prayed that I somehow contracted swine flu from the Canyon pizza we consumed in an effort to alleviate the stress. "Pizza party" sounds so much better than "study-session-that-only-proves-that-you-know-nothing". (Funny to think that I'm praying for a microbe to infect me so I can have a break from studying microbes). The last time I wished a curse upon myself to escape proving my knowledge on a white piece of paper in exchange for my percent worth was my freshman year, walking to my calculus final and praying I would be struck by lightening on the way (now, that sounds extreme, but I assure you I was going through a little more emotional distress than a simple calculus exam).

The point is....what the hell am I going to do with myself???