Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Plasmid Procured, Moving Forward

I've thought a lot about how and what I am going to write on this blog. Will it be anything and everything? Will I censor myself? Will I only include the information I want people to know or that I'm willing to divulge?
The decision I've made is this: This is a blog about a girl (me) who spends countless hours dealing with the microscopic world, while maintaining a relentless and rather absurd faith in the Grand Scheme of life. This blog is as much for me as it is for anyone that happens upon it. So, no detail left behind. It is one of my general philosophies that while it is always important to see the Grand Scheme, it wouldn't even exist without little idiosyncrasies to be the building blocks..
Moving On....

Today I finally transfected cells with the plasmid I've been trying to construct for the past two weeks (among other variables...obvi). I always like transfections because it usually means I don't have to go to the lab for a day before starting a western blot. That means....I'M GOING OUT TONIGHT! WOO! Also, today was the birthday of my mentor (he's the greatest, so patient while I'm breaking wb plates, screwing up dilutions, and wasting whole stocks of purified plasmid). So that's the research update. I wish I could divulge more about it, but alas I have signed my knowledge away to be property of The Pennsylvania State University. Now that I'm moving forward in my project, I feel like I can move forward in life. Funny how the two work the same. Make progress, move on.

Like always, when life just isn't working I dive into the music world, and the scientific world - music for the feelings, science for the lack thereof. Between the two I form my own separate balanced reality. This is what I've found:

Hanne Hukkelberg - "Blood From A Stone"
This is a rather simple song, with simple lyrics, a simple voice, and simple melody - I love it for that. It says exactly what I'm feeling: Never ask/at all times keep the disguise/let no one know/tell me who gave you these rules, oh/you never made no promise, boy.

Phoenix - "Lisztomania" (and any remix of it)
Nothing too much to say about this song because phoenix is fabulous, as usual. But it's been a cheery song in gloomy days. The upbeat, feel-good song is one of many phoenix songs that save the day from being wasted on my couch. There's no way you can listen and not become motivated to get moving (even if that means simply dancing in your living room, which is productive in its own rite).

Jack's Mannequin - "The Resolution"
Diving back in time for a moment to my angsty high school years (who am I kidding, I'm still full of angst) Jack's Mannequin writes this powerful song about finding closure? Finding a purpose? He admits to not having all the answers, being controlled by his past, while wanting to move forward. It's a very hopeful song, and I think that's why I found it appealing. The first few seconds always get me. He reaches for that top note and the strain in his voice sends tingles up my spine. He beleives this stuff he's singing about. He feels it.

TV On The Radio - "Staring At The Sun (In Digital Time Remix)"
I've used this analogy before but....this song is sex. (It probably has more meaning, but I'm leaving it at that.)

Kat Edmonson - "Just One of Those Things"
The amount that I identify with this song is uncanny. It speaks to me. Kat's voice is sultry, the saxophone parts are moving. Ms. Edmonson's jazz style is right up my ally. This song is reminiscent of Anya Marina's "Move You" - another favorite. Kat Edmonson's cushiony, comfortable "Lucky" is also a lovely song.

More to come. :) SK

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